Cocaine’s stimulant qualities are what appeal to those who use it. Before anyone realized how addictive and dangerous the drug could be, it was in over-the-counter medications and even, briefly, in Coca-Cola. Many people who use this drug feel it makes them more confident, effective, and likable. The euphoric effects tempt users to keep using, which all too often leads to chemical dependence and ultimately addiction, while the symptoms of cocaine intoxication can go unnoticed until too late. Cocaine addiction treatment programs can be highly effective in helping those with cocaine use disorders leave cocaine behind and begin recovery.
Do you know someone you suspect is using cocaine? You may notice certain changes in personality, mood swings, and other signs that concern you. Alternatively, perhaps cocaine has turned the tables on you, and what seemed like recreational use that you controlled now controls you. Pennsylvania Adult & Teen Challenge (PAATC) can help you. We can answer your questions and walk you through the symptoms of cocaine intoxication and addiction. We can also explain the options for cocaine addiction treatment and more. If you are looking for cocaine help, just reach out. Our phone number is 844.442.8673, and our online form is easy and fast.
The Cocaine High
What is it that those with a cocaine use disorder are chasing? As a stimulant, cocaine’s high appeal to people for many reasons.
The initial rush of a cocaine high cannot continue without the person continuing to use, leading to the binge cycle that characterizes cocaine abuse and addiction. The effects that cocaine users seek can include some of the following:
- Feelings of increased self-esteem – The confidence you feel when high on cocaine is real, and it does not last, but it is appealing. It helps galvanize cocaine use in those who struggle with social anxiety, low self-esteem, or self-doubt.
- A sense of power – For anyone struggling with feelings of powerlessness or who feels their life is out of their control, the surge of a cocaine rush makes them feel competent, empowered, and ready to take on the world.
- An energy boost – Whatever state of exhaustion someone is in, cocaine will renew their energy, at least for a while. Cocaine, like other stimulants, is used by people who need to stay up for hours working, partying, or creating.
All the above feelings while taking cocaine eventually devolve into burnout and exhaustion, and they come at a cost. Intoxication can lead to overdose, which is significantly hazardous.
Symptoms of Cocaine Intoxication
The toxicity of cocaine means that someone abusing the drug is at risk for severe intoxication and overdose at any time during use. Because so much cocaine is cut with other substances, it is rarely available in a pure form. Additives exacerbate the danger of using cocaine. These additives include everything from fentanyl, which increases its addictiveness and its potential toxicity after one dose, to cattle dewormer, laundry detergent, or amphetamines.
The stages of toxicity with associated symptoms are listed below:
Early signs of toxicity include:
- Tremor and pre-convulsive movements
- Headache
- Vomiting
- Pupil dilation
- Slowed pulse
- Increased blood pressure
- Fever
Advanced toxicity includes:
- Seizures
- Decreased responsiveness to stimuli
- Incontinence
- Tachycardia (heart rate above 100 beats per minute)
- Irregular breathing
- Very high fever (hyperthermia)
Pre-morbid toxicity:
- Coma
- Lack of pupil response
- Heart attack
- Respiratory failure
Seek Treatment at Pennsylvania Adult and Teen Challenge
Cocaine, like other illicit drugs, is unregulated, dangerous, and addictive. At PAATC, we offer cutting-edge, evidence-based cocaine addiction therapies that can safely guide you onto the path of recovery.
At our cocaine addiction treatment center, you will find the following:
- Safe, medically supervised detox
- Proven therapies provided one-on-one by licensed clinicians
- Faith-based treatment options
- Peer support groups, including 12-step programs
- Music therapy
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
- Mental Health Treatment Programs
- Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy
- Residential and outpatient options
Don’t wait. Reach out today to get cocaine help. Taking that first step can seem very hard, but it’s simple. Fill out our online form or call 844.442.8673 to start your recovery journey with PAATC.